
February 2017


Good evening batsies <3 It’s finally here… the result of the epic bath shoot with Helena Lush! I’m so happy with the results. It took a while because I was busy of course, but also because I was extremely struggling with the editing, soo much light! And I had to find a way to edit all the photos so it would match each look but it would still be a cohesive vampy but feminine series… I think I found a good one in the end and I hope you guys like it as much as I do! Doing a bath tub shoot is really strange though. It’s so different from regular fashion shoots, in every single aspect. The angles you can shoot from, the way the model has to pose, the lighting you can use, so I’m glad I shot this with Helena because it’s way less worse when you’re…

Hello my batsies <3 It’s almost a week ago since I was walking around on London Edge with Attitude Holland already! I want to go back… It’s been quite an intense week so far with quitting my job at Zara (too much working for free, never getting a compliment and I felt like we were all turning into different people. At London Edge I just realised that the “alternative” world is so much better and nicer so for now I want to focus on my photography/blogging/make-up etc again :) So good news for you guys! More me, haha.) and getting a new research and treatment for my health which had some results that I still have to wrap my head around a little bit… But for now it’s just time to tell you about the awesome start of the week: London Edge! At first when I heard that all the…

Hee batsies, I guess it’s a bit too late to wish you all a Happy New Year right? Back when I wrote my previous post I thought that by now I would have settled in Leeuwarden a bit more and have less hours at Zara (more like the 20 a week I signed for) and a bit more time to spare… but I guess that was way too optimistic. Turns out I’m still in a bit of the same mess, not even having the time to construct the furniture I got. But I did finally put part of my clothes in a dresser, step 1 has been taken, haha. Most of my clothes and items are still in Enschede but guess what, don’t have time to get those to Leeuwarden either. But still being optimistic that soon I will get less hours and be able to do all those things.…